Friday, March 25, 2011

friday morning thots 3.25.11

something beautiful happened to me on wednesday night.

i was watching a live talk given by jesh de rox, who i had the extraordinary pleasure to meet back in september 2008 in arizona. he's a beautiful soul who poetically lives out what i think is an extraordinary life. and he's stirring up the inspiring beloved movement. one quote in particular that jesh shared moved me to my core. "most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them." - h.thoreau
i want my song sung all the days of my life...

& then i watched lady gaga's recent interview at google. for someone i had no interest in, she completely captivated me - for all 1:11:33!! after observing her, i give gaga my respect for unashamedly living out exactly who she is. beneath those large shoulder pads and thick eye make-up is a delicate-strong soul who has gone into the darkness to emerge as a lover who loves extravagantly.

& then, i left to do my favorite wednesday night activity: lindy hop! i knew it would be a good night of dancing - i mean really good. the usual good connections were even more fine tuned and with the leads i'm so-so with...well, i just chose to get funky and have a blast anyway. what i realized is this: it doesn't matter who i'm with or what i'm doing; it's about how open and present i am in that particular moment that determines how much fun/joy/love/gratitude i can and will experience. i get to choose what this life's going to be about, at every moment.

& then...i stayed up until 3:30am.
just because.


  1. I am constantly inspired by your full heart and open eyes for each day, each person or each moment that passes. It makes me pause, which is such a gift to me. Thanks.

  2. liz, this blog is such a beautiful thing. I appreciate your processing, photos, and where you are.

  3. Thank you for being open, honest, and present. It is a wonderful thing to be able to connect with others in this large world we live in, even when I don't know them personally. I am grateful for your authenticity.


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