Tuesday, June 28, 2011

whimsy | dancing panda at sfo

thought it might be fun to recycle my friend's panda costume to pick up my dear friends from sfo last night. so i did a sort of solo flash mob to welcome them home. i can see why people do those things in large groups...it requires courage and shamelessness!  i was so nervous right before i started that my stomach was upset afterward. (eh, but it could've also been from the large quantity of zanahorias curtidas that i consumed at lunch.)  anyway, here's to spontaneity and whimsy!

we had loads of fun dancing around afterward while we waited for the bags to arrive, and everyone got a turn being a panda head.

thanks to lisa (filming), mary (costume), seri (costume maker), & the fosths for joining right in. :-)


  1. That is going to keep me smiling all day! So amazingballs!!! Hysterical:) K

  2. You crazay, Lizzzz!!! Cracked me up..

  3. thanks ladies!! it was such a blast to do...

  4. O

    I just laughed so hard at this in Panera that people were trying to look over my shoulder to see what I was laughing at. This made my day!

    PS-Poor Steve needs more Panda-dancing in his life to loosen him up.
    PPS-Am reposting this to FB

  5. Liz, that was absolutely hilarious! Thanks for the laugh!


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