Wednesday, July 21, 2010

we all sow.

this morning, i went running in the baylands and was filled with thanks that it's pretty much my backyard.

it's a place

of stillness,
of peace,
of solitude
for my entire being.

i felt at home running at sunrise, listening to creation.
it was in this space that my morning's reflections arose.

what percolated today was this idea that we all sow seeds in each other. everyone we connect or disconnect with, we have/are/will sow something and get sown in. for example, charlie sowed the first running seed in me, then that blind date guy came and watered it - & it's been growing since - i feel the roots deepening in rich soil.

this idea got me wondering...
what is it that i am sowing in others (consciously or subconsciously)?
and what others are sowing in me?
what seeds am i letting grow inside of me?
and what seeds do i notice i do not want planted?
which seeds are getting watered? by whom?

are the ideas/beliefs/values/dreams/fears/loves/hates/desires inside you currently the ones you want to be planting their roots in your soil? if so, how can you continue nurturing those seedlings? if not, what might you need to do to uproot the plants that don't belong, in order to make room for what will bear irresistible fruit?

1 comment:

  1. i love your thoughts...
    so...what seeds are you watering right now? what seeds do you want to get rid of?
    this is such a deep topic...I love this kind of stuff. ;)


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