Thursday, April 2, 2009


and finally found.

o gosh, it's been a consuming past 3 weeks. there's been so much heart.mind.body.idea swirling that i think i'm still running off all the adrenaline that's been produced, b/c it's definitely not the 4-5 hours of sleep i've been getting each night.

my latest project: Homeward is finally at the start of its completion. today, my show went up at the los altos library, where i'll be cycling images through a 4-part series. my friend matt asked if i wanted to share the space with him, and i couldn't refuse. i had been wanting to produce a show in 2009 and the opportunity banged on my door. the obvious answer was "yes!"

it's just that, this show also collided with moving to a new place, growing intensity in my marathon training, making new friends, lots of fun (but busy) stuff at work, wedding preparations for my close friend, being (kinda) hard on myself and trying to manage alone/rest time for my heart. a lot....right?

thankfully, ALL of it (as demanding as it has been) has been enriching my life with curiousity and joy. best of all...i have not forgotten the simple things that bring me a great deal of pleasure (i.e. skinny cow chocolate cones & fudgsicles, strawberries, lol moments, sun&warmth, and lastly....listening to the goats chew).

ps. yes. i live with goats now. i feed goats before i go to work. what a whole new world. i'll be posting pics soon.


  1. Congrats Liz on EVERYTHING. Is there something you are not doing?? I'm glad you're enjoying your life and expanding your circle of relations,skills and experiences with every passing day.

  2. I'm so lucky to be blessed with you as my sister. I'm looking forward to seeing your show LIVE in several weeks. Even more, I'm looking forward to seeing you, Jieun!...and rooting you on at the BSIM. =)

  3. that is so awesome! :) i checked out the new site. it looks great. love the creative ideas. i'm always inspired when i read your posts. you're always so full of life. :)

    i'll be in LA in june, but I'm hoping to make a short trip up to SF area. Maybe we can grab lunch or coffee.. or skinny cow chocolate cones & fudgsicles lol be blessed, liz!

  4. you might be my new best friend!!!!

  5. goats??? you got plants, you got goats...if i didnt know any better...i would think youve turned into a farmer living on a farm. congrats with all that has happened!

  6. love your website, photos, and especially your logo! it's all so you.


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