Monday, January 26, 2009

let there be


there's so much movement around and within me. yet, in a very reassuring way, i feel grounded. this groundedness feels refined by way of iteration.

translation: it's a familiar cycle that i've seen come and go and come and go. and this time around, i've handled it a bit differently - with a little more wisdom and perspective. (i guess it just comes with this old age. ha ha).

this new-old movement excites me at the core. there's a heart/mind/soul/body connection about some long-needed decisions that i'm making that keeps me wanting to take step after step. (i know i'm being vague).

the neat thing about this process is that even if the outcome doesn't turn out exactly as i had hoped, i think the real result is in being present to the's in the movement.

we're at the cusp of revolutionary change. i feel it. and i want to be part of it.

1 comment:

  1. yes - flow. Movement in a clear - if unknown - direction. Ungraspable, unmeasurable, but unstoppable. Even if you dam it up, it will seep out somewhere.


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