o gosh, i hope you do. he's just a sweet old man i met last january. it was by chance that i saw his big honkies (this is a word i made up - refer to link above).... and it was by total chance that i saw him again a couple days before halloween, outside of Savers (a local thrift store).

i saw him with his cart, after he went on a shopping spree buying....a LOT of stuff. we got a talkin a bit more and turns out he remembered me.

and i found out a few tidbits about zell.
- he's now 71.
- he "loves" to shop
- he's retired
- he's lived in redwood city his whole life
- he was a janitor for most of his professional career
- he chose that path for the pension
- he bought a popcorn popper the day i took these pictures because he really needed it
- he doesn't use or have the internet because he doesn't want to complicate his life. (amen, brotha)
- &Zell really likes trinkets.

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