Friday, February 11, 2011

friday morning thots 2/11/11

i woke up in 2005.
there was a catalytic moment that sparked a desire - no, more like a desperation - to change.

six years later, i'm sitting here in the most beautiful space (physical & internal)...grateful.
really really grateful. i feel as though i'm finally getting more comfortable in my skin, accepting every part of me, not just the good stuff or an exaggerated emphasis on the bad stuff.

i'm spending the day to be in this accepting space, reflect on this journey that i've been on, and sort through photographs i've taken over the past three years that capture this process. i'm working on a special project that i hope to share with y'all this spring.

on a side note, i've been listening to this song by james vincent mcmorrow called "and if my heart should somehow stop" all week on repeat (call me obsessive). might you take a moment to check out his website and if you feel compelled, support his work?

joyous friday-ing friends.

1 comment:

  1. Not obsessive at all. That song is a beautiful work of heart that cuts right to the soul :)


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