Tuesday, April 29, 2008

scott robert workshop, part IV

I looked up and saw the group with all of their large professional looking equipment walk along the balcony. Faces unknown, experience lacking, long day traveling. I felt insecurity trying really hard to make his way into my mind and heart. Filled slightly with fear and unfamiliarity, I held my breath while walking upstairs. Each step I took forced me to get closer to this mass of human bodies and camera equipment I didn't know and felt intimidated by.

But there was a moment -- a defining moment -- when I decided I was going to dig in. No matter what, I was going to be there: present, teachable, and open. Of course it wasn't that clear in my head in the moment, but in retrospect, I can see what that moment rippled into.

It manifested as a, "hi, i'm liz" + big smile.

The ripples that came after that took form as new friendships, willingness to fail, asking lots of questions, trying new things, laughter, jokes, fun, freedom, immense learning, and eyes & heart wide open.

This is Scott during our Cozumel Mexico shoot.


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