Tuesday, December 4, 2007

a loosetooth

There's a woman named Brandy Agerbeck that I'll call a leading expert and pioneer in the world of graphic illustration. Ok, given that I have only searched on the internet for about 1.5 hours about this subject field, I'm not sure how legitimate it is for me to say that about her. But, trust me...she's good. I’m impressed by her ability to capture ideas, words, thoughts, and conversation in one beautifully coherent piece of artwork. I really appreciate her use of bold lines, simple graphics, typography, and color.

She is someone we may consider to hire for an upcoming event…she doesn’t know that yet, neither do the bosses.

On that note, it was on her blog that I saw this image:

I’m initially drawn to the aesthetic, but on a deeper level, I’m challenged by the implications of it. How do I feel about having ads on my blog? Do I want to keep promoting consumerism? What are the pros and cons? Do I even have enough visitors that ads would generate enough income so that I can become a stay-at-home-blogger? (haha, not really).

I need to think about this. Until then, enjoy the image.

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