Thursday, May 21, 2015

Want To, Need To | Issue 1

I'm one of those people who have at least 30 tabs open at a given time. It's annoying!

The intentions are good: "This looks like a really thoughtful post about hope...Oh, that looks really easy and tasty!" 

But the action is poor: Case in point (this is just one of many)

I'm trying something new here. It's my Want To, Need To list. I'll post it every time my tabs get too plentiful. (Translation: it's going to be sporadic)

To read

To make

To explore
To buy


  1. The "7" going to the "5" is all about focus. Good job on working towards "healthy" and not just "average." : )

  2. That cake is definitely on my list now too! Yum.

    1. Korrin, it's such a good cake. I HIGHLY recommend it.


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